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Our Story

Cory & Amy Brand

Founders & Executive Directors

Throughout our more than two decades in vocational ministry, we've witnessed a wide range of experiences— from the uplifting to the challenging. We've walked with friends in ministry as they have navigated the turmoil of failing marriages, battled burnout, faced health crises, and grappled with doubts about their calling. We've experienced internal conflicts among staff and tensions with congregants. We have witnessed the arduous journey of rebuilding fractured trust over many years.


Ministry, despite its constant engagement with people, can often feel isolating. Finding genuine transparency and vulnerability among peers is a rare gift. From this struggle (which we understand firsthand), God has birthed in us a calling to be a source of encouragement and pastoral care for fellow ministry leaders. Over the years, God has given us a dream of providing a place, exactly like The Hiding Place, where we might commit ourselves fully to loving and serving ministers with excellence while they reconnected with God and their spouse.  


We want to be a part of something that is bigger than ourselves, and we want to do something that will leave a legacy well beyond our years.  Our prayer for The Hiding Place is that we can mentor those who may come behind us, pour into ministers who are hurting, and place tools in the hands of new ministers to help them avoid or prepare for difficulties that will come.  

Our Statement of Faith

  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired written Word of God.

  • We believe there is one God, existing in three persons:  Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in the Lordship and humanity of Jesus Christ;  in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His atoning death on the cross, and His bodily resurrection.

  • We believe in the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit who enables people to live the Christian life.

  • We believe in biblical marriage is created by God to be between one man and one woman.

  • We believe in the practicing of spiritual disciplines as outlined in the scriptures, and emphasize the role of the Sabbath in the ministry of the Hiding Place.

Board of Directors

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