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Creating a sacred space for Ministry Leaders to rest and connect with God and their spouse.


Ministry leaders love what they do!  They love serving God in their churches, their mission field, and their ministries.  Many are serving in places and conditions that are challenging at best. This can lead to discouragement and burnout.

In a recent study by The Danielsen Institute, it was reported that an alarming,  35% of ministry leaders are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

There are times when ministry leaders need time to rest and heal. 

Ministry leaders at times need space to hear from God. 

Ministry leaders need encouragement.

The Hiding Place is designed to offer ministry leadership a place of respite and encouragement to better fulfill their callings.

our vision 

Inspiring and equipping ministers to a place of spiritual, personal, and relational health by the transforming and renewing work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God (Romans 12:2).

our mission

Providing the Christian minister and their spouse an atmosphere of refuge where God will provide rest, refreshment, and revelation through the generosity of believers.

a sacred space

And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile."... Mark 6:31 

There is no program at The Hiding Place, but there will be great food!  Guests have confidential and protected conversations. Peace and quiet are in abundance. The Hiding Place is a space for the Christian Ministry Leader to rest, reconnect with their spouse, and reconnect with God.

our values

that make The Hiding Place special

radical hospitality

ministry partners


prayer warriors

private retreat


We're seeking partners with a passion for seeing pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders guide their congregations from a position of inner tranquility and rejuvenation. Ministry leaders greatly benefit from compassionate Christian support through prayer! At The Hiding Place Ministries, we're assembling a team dedicated to praying specifically for our guests during their stay. We're looking for Christian individuals who are eager to offer encouragement, extend genuine hospitality, and serve those who've devoted themselves to serving God and others.

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